2021 MACC Racing Results

About the table below: The original races 1 & 2 (January 9 and 10) were canceled due to insufficient snow base. There were no gates at Boyne that weekend. We-renumbered the races to start over, with races 1 & 2 held successfully on January 23 and 24. Races 3, 4, and 5 were scheduled for February 5, 6, and 7. But there was too much powder! All three races were postponed. Race 5 was held as a 1-run GS after race 7 on February 21. Handicaps for "after race 7" include race 5 results. Races 3 and 4 were made on March 7, with the same runs used for the Cantor Cup. In addition, an extra GS was run on March 6 and numbered as race 10. Race 11 is the Cantor Cup, using results combined from Races 3 and 4.

Race Type When Where PDF File Simple Text Handicaps
  Starting handicaps for 2021 Jan. 23       pre-season
1 Giant Slalom Jan. 23 Boyne Mtn. race1.pdf
Race 1  
2 Slalom Jan. 24 Boyne Mtn. race2.pdf
Race 2 after race 2 
6 Slalom Feb. 20 Boyne Mtn. race6.pdf
Race 6  
5 Giant Slalom Feb. 21 (Makeup) Boyne Mtn. race5.pdf
Race 5  
7 Giant Slalom Feb. 21 Boyne Mtn. race7.pdf
Race 7 after race 7
8 Slalom March 5 Boyne Mtn. race8.pdf
Race 8  
9 Giant Slalom March 6 Boyne Mtn. race9.pdf
Race 9  
10 Giant Slalom March 6 Boyne Mtn. race10.pdf
 Race 10  


March 7 (Makeup) Boyne Mtn.  race3.pdf
 Race 3  
4 SL March 7 (Makeup) Boyne Mtn.  race4.pdf
 Race 4 final
11 Cantor Cup March 7 Boyne Mtn.    Race 11