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Safari on MacOS is not showing the user the critical checkbox with the signature box on the MACC waiver page. It is known that the Chrome browser on MacOS is working properly. Sorry for the inconvenience.
2025 Season Race dates have been set. The classes will work a bit differently this season. You will not need to select a class when registering. The survey data told us racers wanted larger classes and people were in favor of MACC restructuring the classes to make them more competitive. This aligned well with our goal to make the program easier for new racers to navigate. We also want to ensure new racers do not race alone. Please sign up and look for a roster to be emailed and posted on our website before the end of December. The roster will list everyone by class and the schedule will be updated to include the race times for each class. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions.
Updates are published via MACC website, eNewsletter, Team Race Representatives, and Social Media.
Drew Hilger, President
Shawn Hughes, Vice President
Returning racers will pay $80 for the season.
New racers will need to purchase a bib. New bibs are $20.
Returning racers who need a bib can purchase one for $20.
Race fees are $80.
Bibs are $20.
We have the dates locked in for the 2025 MACC Season. Here they are:
The details for these race events are not determined at this time. Race times, courses, classes, run orders and so on will be determined after registration.
If you would like to keep tabs on how the details of the schedule are coming together please check in on the MACC Schedule page
If you experience problems or have questions, email your issue to registration@maccracing.org.
First step is to collect some basic information about you,
Date of Birth
The MACC e-Newsletter updates members with news, schedule and rules changes. By providing your email address, you are requesting to receive MACC's Newsletter via email.
All racers compete for individual awards, both daily and for the season. Most racers also join a team. You can join an existing team already racing with MACC, or if joining with a group, you may ask to create a new team. Team members results are combined to compete for team awards presented at our end of the season banquet.
You may choose a team now, or during the first two weekends of racing. After the second weekend, any racers who have not selected a team will race only as individuals for the current season. (Rule 12.1)
Returning racers: please be nice to our Director of Registration and choose your team!! Thank you!
Have you registered as a MACC racer (not as a guest racer) in a prior year?
If you have been a registered MACC racer, choose YES. If not, choose NO.
Racing Bib Size Preference
If you are a NEW racer you will need a new racing bib, indicate your preferred size.($20)
If you are a RETURNING racer that needs a bib, indicate your preferred size. ($20)
If you are a RETURNING racer and you do not need a bib, select "NOT APPLICABLE".
To view the current MACC racing bib, click the button.
New racers will have the opportunity to race on both courses during our first race day. New racers will gather and race in a group starting after the women and before the men. The races are at 10am and 12:30pm. After racing our Director of Handicap will review your handicaps and place you in the correct class. Your class will be announced at the awards on that Saturday and a revised roster will be posted on our website.
If you are unable to attend the first Saturday race, please join us anyway. We will do our best to place you in the correct class. Please contact registration@maccracing.org for assistance with being placed in a class.
All racers who have raced MACC in the past will have established a handicap. The established handicap will be used to assign them to a class.
Once the initial registration is complete a roster will be emailed and posted on our website. This will happen before the end of December. The roster will list everyone by class and the schedule will be updated to include race times for each class.
Please choose an AGE group (Open, Vet) and an ABILITY class (E, E1, E2, ...).
Vet classes for women are age 50+.
Listing a class is NOT a guarantee that the class will be available.
Please choose an AGE group (Open, Vet) and an ABILITY class (E, E1, E2, ...).
Super Vet, 60+; Vet, 40+
Listing a class is NOT a guarantee that the class will be available.
Establish your emergency contact.
This must be a parent or guardian for anyone under 18.
Racers will sign the MACC waiver here. A separate email will be sent to you to sign the Boyne Moutain waiver.
I, *insert name* HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE that ski racing is a dangerous sport which can lead to serious injury, or even death. I understand and voluntarily agree to personally assume any and all of the liability and risks of Alpine Racing.
Further, I agree on behalf of myself, my heirs, survivors, guardians, legal representatives or assigns to HOLD HARMLESS AND RELEASE the Michigan Alpine Competition Council (MACC), its officers, organizers, agents, team representatives, and employees from any responsibility for any and all personal injuries or death which I may suffer during and as a result of my participation in the MACC Racing events.
Further, I agree to visually inspect the race course prior to the race in which I will be racing.
By my signature I indicate that I have read and fully understood this WAIVER OF LIABILITY and agree to its terms of my own free will.
To make your signature...
Using a mouse, move the pointer into the signature block and hold down the left mouse button. Hold the button down while moving your mouse to sign. You can release the left mouse button, move the pointer and then hold down the left button to continue making your signature.
Using a stylus or finger, place your finger or stylus in the box and sign as if you were using a pen. You may lift your stylus or finger, move it to a new spot and continue signing from the new spot.
If you have a PayPal account, you can use the PayPal button which will allow you to login at PayPal to make the payment for your 2024 registration.
If you do NOT have a PayPal account, you can use the credit/debit card button which will allow you to use PayPal as a guest. You will need to supply your credit card details.
Review your payment details and then use the PayPal buttons below to make your payment.
Total Payment Due: |
Thank you for registering for the MACC 2025 race season! We are happy you chose to come race with us!!
Please print or screen shot the information on this page and retain it like you would with any receipt. It will aid in resolving any difficulties should they arise.
Racer Name | |||
Address | |||
City | |||
State | Zip | ||
Phone | |||
Team | |||
Racer Class | Bib Size | ||
Emergency Contact | |||
Emergency Phone | |||
PayPal Payer Name | |||
PayPal Description | |||
PayPal Amount Paid | |||
PayPal Transaction ID |