The Cantor Cup
The regular MACC season ends Saturday,with our last regular race that involves WC and team points. Awards for the season are given out Saturday night. Sunday, we have a once-in-a-season event: the Cantor Cup.
Bets are made. Promises are kept.
Mike Jablonski and Debi Koltoniak hand out Cantor Cup Awards in 2006.
The Sunday Race
It's Sunday, we've had a great time at the Saturday night banquet with lots of prizes from our sponsors (skis, boots, season passes, and maybe some hats and tee shirts!). The world cup and team awards have been handed out and the winners properly recognized.
So now, it's time for something completely different. In 2010, we held our first super-combined. The first run was a super-G that started with the FIS start (the big hill), wandered to the south hill (Super Bowl), wandered back to plunge down the steep part of FIS, finishing at the bottom. The second run was a regular slalom on the south hill (by the woods). Winner was determined by total time.
In past years, dual slaloms were held. But the super-combined was so much fun that we'll be doing that for years to come.
This has traditionally been a good day for creative dressing. Get out the old clothing for some good retro, or try other forms of Sunday Sartorial Splendor.
The History
Who could ever forget Larry Cantor? Advised by his doctor to give up skiing due to health problems, he made a gutsy decision: he got another doctor. Over ten years later, after continuing to train hard and compete every year, contributing immeasurable good will and enthusiasm along the way (while battling a variety of medical ailments), he died between runs on the Friday slalom of Marks weekend in 1998.
Larry was known for being a very positive, cheerful person and a friend to all, both young and old. He was beloved by family, friends, and even by many of the junior racers he trained with so often during the winter months (and summers out west). Larry was a tremendous competitor in spite of his failing health, and truly embodied the motto "Live to ski, ski to die."
Larry's ashes were scattered at two of the race areas he loved most: on the hill at Boyne Mountain and up on the glacier at Mt. Hood, Oregon. There's a nice wood bench placed in his memory at the race hill warming hut, and his skis have found a permanent home in the Eagle's Nest.
We also honor Larry with a special race that concludes our season: the Cantor Cup. It's a great event, packed with music, atmosphere, club picnics, and loads of fun and camaraderie.