2024 Handicap Averages and Most Improved

Everyone in the MACC program runs in ability classes. Our intent is that racers in each class are of similar ability, to keep things competitive and interesting. A handicap system is used to determine when a racer should move to a different class.

Most Improved

We give awards at the end of each season for the most improved male and female racers. In past years, you had to have at least 5 GS times and 5 SL times to qualify. This year it was adjusted to 2 runs SL and 2 GS.

Congratulations Mason and Marlene!

Bib   Racer                   Club  Class     Δ GS    Δ SL  Δ Total
237   Mason Bettman           E1M   TR       -5.86   -4.31  -10.18
34    Patrick Smithbauer      SVBM  TB       -4.98   -3.67   -8.65
234   Marlene Hoeft           BW    SW       -6.46   -0.34   -6.80
40    Camille Hoeft           CW    SW       -3.64   -1.57   -5.22
15    Jenessa Hilger          EW    SD       -1.90   -3.17   -5.07
226   Brian FInkel            AM    SW       -2.64   -1.55   -4.19
170   Dennis Parrott          VBM   TB       -1.94   -1.61   -3.55
199   Steven Foradori         VBM   TB       -2.57   -0.60   -3.18
113   Susie Mackens           EW    TO       -2.15   -0.75   -2.90
134   Mike Altenburg          SVE2M TB       -0.29   -2.45   -2.74
135   Samantha Sayers         E1W   TO       -3.14    0.68   -2.46
78    Chuck White             VE2M  SW       -1.94   -0.29   -2.23
141   Robert Bettman          SVEM  TR       -2.80    0.61   -2.20
35    Art LeVasseur           VBM   SN       -1.04   -0.86   -1.90
138   Vincent Benivegna       E1M   TO        1.02   -2.47   -1.45
171   Joe Pioch               CM    SW       -0.25   -0.09   -0.34
22    Joel Holzknecht         O     TO       -0.25    0.02   -0.23
190   James Green             AM    SW        3.10   -3.18   -0.08

Handicap Averages

Here are everyone's handicaps after race 4, which, as it turns out, was also the last race of the season.

Bib   Racer                   Club  Class Min  Max    GS    SL
3     Kurt Adams              SD    SVEM  10    18    20.27 15.28
134   Mike Altenburg          TB    SVE2M 25    38    34.87 40.56
18    Kermit Anderson         SD    SVEM  10    18    15.34 12.51
221   STEVE ANDERSON          SD    SVE2M 25    38    32.03 31.36
17    Kathy Bauer             TR    VE2W  35    48    46.08 45.02
138   Vincent Benivegna       TO    E1M   15    28    24.64 24.69
19    Susan Benivegna         TO    BW    60    80    75.26 66.23
141   Robert Bettman          TR    SVEM  10    18    18.79 15.45
237   Mason Bettman           TR    E2M   25    38    22.78 28.06
20    Ryan Bloodworth         SN    E2M   25    38    29.96 35.44
197   Ray Blythe              SW    SVE2M 25    38    35.09 37.90
5     Foster Butler           JD    E1M   15    28    20.64 26.49
142   Dave Carrico            TR    SVAM  35    48    49.99 48.54
21    Kathy Carrico           TR    VAW   45    64    55.21 59.60
4     Alexandra Carrico       TR    EW    10    28    24.33 27.25
69    Nicholas Carrico        TR    O     0     12    9.68  5.54
225   Jacek Cholewicki        TO    E1M   15    28    25.48 24.48
26    DIANE CLARK-FINKEL      SW    E1W   25    38    33.07 32.75
145   Joe Connelly            TO    SVBM  45    64    46.38 54.04
143   DAVID CORCORAN          SN    SVBM  45    64    61.28 83.83
176   Michael Cox             TO    SVE2M 25    38    34.39 42.34
151   Alfred Cureau           SW    VBM   45    64    70.06 78.58
243   Chip Dayton             SW    E2M   25    38    39.11 43.46
88    wayne drier             TR    SVE2M 25    38    35.72 33.80
28    Brian Dusina            TB    SVAM  35    48    36.04 42.75
148   Arthur Ellwanger        TB    SVBM  45    64    70.07
226   Brian FInkel            SW    AM    35    48    37.56 38.15
199   Steven Foradori         TB    VBM   45    64    48.74 51.01
132   Susan Geisling          TR    CW    75    96    84.37 94.50
32    James Geisling          TR    SVAM  35    48    38.96 40.81
      Sherrie Glas            TR    EW    10    28    19.65 15.50
190   James Green             SW    AM    35    48    46.67 48.47
39    Janie Guiliani          TB    E1W   25    38    35.32 32.54
7     David Hall              TR    O     0     12    12.57 9.65
203   Steve Hark              SD    SVEM  10    18    15.29 11.99
178   Will Heckman            TB    E2M   25    38    31.90 32.73
202   Tom Hicks               TR    EM    10    18    18.51 17.14
144   michael hietbrink       TR    E1M   15    28    27.79
15    Jenessa Hilger          SD    EW    10    28    22.37 21.01
6     Drew Hilger             SD    O     0     12    12.06 6.81
234   Marlene Hoeft           SW    BW    60    80    64.06 75.45
40    Camille Hoeft           SW    CW    75    96    75.49 82.25
41    Suzanne Holmes          RN    VE2W  35    48    49.11 42.86
22    Joel Holzknecht         TO    O     0     12    12.97 7.22
42    Jim Hoppenrath          TR    SVE2M 25    38    32.54 32.69
11    Shawn Hughes            AA    VE2M  25    38    25.32 29.32
233   Jason Kanakry           TR    EM    10    18    15.51 19.31
149   Andrew Kerbrat          SW    E1M   15    28    30.81 24.85
49    Gary Konsza             SD    SVE1M 15    28    25.66 25.72
162   Cliff Langdon           TO    E1M   15    28    20.64 17.97
217   Todd Lau                SN    E2M   25    38    42.21 36.11
35    Art LeVasseur           SN    VBM   45    64    46.23 54.46
83    Dana Lewis              SN    E2W   35    48    36.49 63.64
113   Susie Mackens           TO    E1W   25    38    24.04 31.45
160   Keli Mazzenga           SN    CW    75    96    99.22 79.87
161   Nick Mazzenga           SN    E2M   25    38    29.26 35.05
      Will Meade              SD    O     0     12    8.28  2.46
166   Brian Onnela            TR    SVEM  10    18    18.84 21.03
167   Alan Osterdale          AA    CM    60    80    68.60 78.60
65    Avery Parlin            SN    EW    10    28    13.18 12.55
170   Dennis Parrott          TB    VBM   45    64    55.14 60.56
133   Bill Perlmutter         TR    SVE2M 25    38    42.02 41.92
171   Joe Pioch               SW    CM    60    80    76.06 87.56
135   Samantha Sayers         TO    E1W   25    38    31.25 36.62
67    Mike Sayers             TO    SVE1M 15    28    28.46 28.97
70    Jeffrey Sitko           SW    E1M   15    28    15.23 18.37
136   David Smith             NA    SVE1M 15    28    21.88 16.64
34    Patrick Smithbauer      TB    SVBM  45    64    50.18 52.91
92    Scott Soucie            TB    AM    35    48    36.42 37.49
33    Ginnie Uhley            TR    VE2W  35    48    49.86 52.45
183   Rick Van Houdt          TR    SVBM  45    64    49.18 52.55
150   Mark Warren             TO    E1M   15    28    23.22 24.03
2     Laura White             SD    E2W   35    48    39.19 40.68
78    Chuck White             SW    AM    35    48    33.76 45.19
139   Christopher Williams    SN    VE2M  25    38    35.72 40.50
81    Paul Williams           SN    SVE1M 15    28    24.11 24.64
137   s woodford-stober       TO    E1W   25    38    34.68 32.51

Most Improved Formula

Handicap is defined as the percent your time is longer than a reference racer with zero par time. That is, HC = 100*(your_time - par_time)/par_time.

If we subtract your old handicap from your new handicap, that gives us the change in the percent that your times are longer than the zero par time. We want the change relative to your old time, not the par time, so we divide by the factor (1 + HC_old/100), which is the ratio of your old time to the par time.

And that's how we get the magic formula:
% improvement = (HC_new - HC_old)/(1 + HC_old/100)

More 2024 Season Results

Handicap Data | Upgrades
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MACC Handicaps

A handicap system is used to place MACC racers in appropriate ability classes, and to determine when racers should upgrade or downgrade to different classes.

MACC Class definitions
Handicap Calculations (pt 1)
Handicap Calculations (pt 2)
Handicap Theory (PDF)