Race 12 Results

Here is the quick summary of the 2003 Cantor Cup results, showing the winner and runner up for each class. Results of the morning qualifier racer are in a separate pdf file: race12.pdf.

NOTE: These results were changed in late April for Women's D. There was an error in the timing shack, that was found after reviewing the times from the computer files.

Cantor Cup Final Round Results: March 9, 2003.

Class           Winner          Runner-Up

E1M             Riggs           Smith
VE1M            Hark            Onnela
E2W             Konsza          Costigan
VE2M            Adams           Stewart
E2M             Smiley          Kaznecki
AW              Seefeld         Guiliani
SVAM            Steele          Linebaugh
VAM             Sattler         Hoppenrath
AM              Salyers         Sonnenberg
BW              Nazzaro         Trent
SVBM            Johnson         Masters
VBM             Smith           Rentschler
BM              Miyajima        Michon
CW              Braica          Roberts
SVCM            Jablonski       Bloodworth
CM              Trewin          Goatley
DW              Koltoniak       Brown-Campbell  
SVDM            Sonnenberg      Williams
DM              LeVasseur       Haupt